Hello everyone, I been off for a while but here is an interview with a band from Lancanster,Ca we played with when it was my birthday there known as LxBxR… and pretty soon we are going to do a split with them that's going to be sick.. will be release sometime this year after this quarantine is over.. So enjoy the interview with :LxBxR.M:How did you guys get LxBxRx start and What band did you play before you played in LxBxRx???? Eddie: Me and Jon played in a band called Maldición before LBR and everyone else wasn't as serious as me and John want to be we played a hand full of shows a few fest but never recorded
We jammed with a few other alterations after that doing more like melodic Crust stuff
And then I had the idea to do more of a hard core punk band style like drop dead
So I asked Jon if he wanted to do it and he was into it so we started LBR. Maldición
The perverse atomic wedgy extreme glorification of violence And a few others but never really got any thing going. Jon:
Eddie and I also had a couple songs written with another dude that never really took off. And in high school I was in skate punk band called the sewer rats.
Cuz we used to climb into the sewers to skate.
Jon: Lxbxr started, I believe, around 2010. Eddie and I had played in a couple other bands that had broken up and we wanted to continue playing music. What does LxBxR stand for?? Eddie: Well in the beginning it was Little Bunny Rabbit
I'm from the desert and there is lots of bunny's lol I just like them
And thought everyone tries the name their band something brutal or scary or nasty I thought let the music do the talking and have a cute name
Like I asked what PLF stood for and someone told me pretty little flower and I was like hahaha that's Genius so at one point I believe it and I just thought wow what a good idea.
Now we twist it to whatever we think is going to work with where we are at that point or with the message we're trying to put out. Jon:
Eddie thought it would be cool to name a Brutal sounding band after something really cute, and I agreed.
Now it constantly changes as a way to convey whatever idea/message we're trying to express.
On the "self care" 7in we're currently working on it stands for a little bit of relief. All the songs are themed around anxiety, depression, personal struggles, and the positive/negative, or harmful, ways of coping.
M: How did you guys get into punk or Pv or hxc & what was your 1st show??? Jon:I got into punk rock in middle school. I began with the Ramones, the clash, Sex Pistols, rancid...I fell in love with the energy and the style. That led to my exposure to hardcore, crust, anarcho, oi, power violence, and so on...(all of which I love) & First show was the buzzcocks, and the distillers. (My dad took me and it was awesome!)
Eddie:I think I got into a punk like most kids do I was super into like surfing and skateboarding and BMX and all that shit and all the pros were like into punk rock and hard-core or metal and underground rap shit like that I just made sense And I moved to the antelope Valley in the early 90s and I think it snowballed at that point Lived in like a trailer park there's a lot of like racism and Nazi shit going on and I was just like super not into it just made me get more into punk bands that felt the same way about that kind of stuff or were like fuck Nazis
That was like 5-7 grade pre internet in every house lol Back then it took work to find out about good shit

I would say more like drop dead fuck on the beach orchid consume maybe a little bit larm and seeing red
At least for my half of the noise lol..I think the early PV bands would be like Cap casualties God stopper or drop dead if you consider that power violence I guess I always thought it was just like hard-core or grind when I was young I just wanted it fast or powerful PV,grind,HC,crust as long as it was punk I loved it.. M: Eddie how did you get into drumming??? Eddie: When I was a kid my mom's friend gave me and my brother a drum set and I've just always been all caveman out and want to beat the shit out of stuff with sticks so it just worked out for me...Lol the funny thing with me is that I got frusted and said fuck I'm going to play drums and I somewhat learned on my own and bought a cb drum set for 100 on craigslist and started practicing..Eddie: Playing the drums is harder then it looks man. M: Jon how did you get into to playing guitar?? I started playing guitar in middle school. As soon as I got into punk rock I wanted to play in a band. I picked guitar because I thought it was coolest. Lol
I was wrong though...drums are way cooler. Lol
M: Was LxBxR always a 2 piece???? Eddie:We were in the very beginning just me and Jon a two-piece and then we added a bass player we had one dude that played with us name was been super cool guy really good musician he's on our first demo
Still see him at shows every once in a while.
Eddie: That crazy that you guys switched it up a few times as well. 2 people is easier less people to show up on time lol

Eddie: Maybe just a shout out to anybody who has a T-shirt patch button CD any of the bands we ever played with and the people that ever seen us play all the people that have booked us shows
My wife for holding it down so I can play
I want to give a shout out to my best friend my life, My best friend for life, Eddie! My family. A big thank you to tone for asking us to do this interview. (Really appreciate it) and to My cat.
Also I would like to give a shout out to sidewalks for always keeping me off the streets.