Tone: Who is in Weaponized and how long has it been a band???
Weaponized is
Jason Salas (Guitar)
Eddie Hernandez (Bass/Vocals)
James Carrillo (Guitar)
Leo Hyder (Drums)
Johnny Salas (Vocals)
Weaponized has been around since August of 2018 and has been playing shows with this line up since June of 2019.
Tone: How did you fellas get into punk???
The strongest and earliest memories I have are from around 6 years old going on car rides with my parents. They would always have on Dead Kennedy's, Agent Orange, Vandals and many other bands. I liked the vibe, how unique they sounded and the rawness of there music not to mention the humor in the Vandals songs.
I got into punk/metal in middle school from hanging out with my brothers friends and ever since then that's all I've listened to.
I was into metal and a lot of my friends from high school were into punk and took me to a TSOL show at the Observatory for my first show ever and I've loved punk ever since then.
I got into punk/metal in the late 90's early 2000's back in the day I was into rap and oldies.

Tone: that's very cool. I got into punk pretty late in high school, but still enjoy the classics
Tone: What was your guys 1st you guys went to or played?
The first show I've ever been to was Overkill, Nile and Vader with my older sister.
My first show playing was with a few high school friends in some back yard in East Los.
The first show I played was in South Gate across the street from my pad at a hall it was a local show with punk, metal and ska bands in 2001 and I've been on the kit for over 20 years.
The first show I've ever been to was D.I. at some shit hole back in the late 80's, great fucking time
Favorite show question:
I would have to say The Whiskyagogo a very historic place and awesome crowd.
My favorite show was at The Whiskyagogo I never thought in my life that our band would be able to showcase our music to people on that stage.
My favorite was a Halloween house party, we played for a crowd that probably wouldn't listened to music like ours but by the end of the night they were rockin' out harder then some of the people at local venues.
My favorite was at the Whisky in Hollywood it was our first time on a big stage and we all came through 100 percent and set that place on fire.
Tone: What's your guys influences?:
My favorite show was at The Rainbow in Hollywood when had our demo release party and Louichi Mayorga OG from Suicidal Tendencies jumped on stage with us for a few songs
Band influences
Dismembered and Kreator
Slayerrr and GBH
Suicidal Tendencies, DI, Anthrax and S.O.D. just to name a few
Tone: Any shout out you guys want to give??
Square Up

Ravage Realm
Flesh n Machine
Walking Fire

Check out weaponized video