So the bay area is known to have killer bands....such as Torso,Punch, Venkman and No staik…. Heavy Stench hails from San Jose. Killer band and you guys should check out. I hope you guys like it enjoy.....
Q: State your name and what band you play in?
Q: State your name and what band you play in?
Diana - vox
Vic - Guitar
Marco - Drums
Krystl - Bass
Q: How did Heavy Stench get started?
A: Vic and Marco were getting bored of the shitty indie music that their old bands were playing and they wanted to play music with a more aggressive energy. They started jamming more seriously in 2017 and then asked Krystl to join on bass. Krystl knew Dee through a coffee job and invited her to give vocals a shot during the spring of 2018.

Q: How did you guys get that name?
A: Vic took inspiration from a video game called “Slain”. It was originally “Heavy Stench of Death” but he shortened it.
Q: What are you guys’ influences?
A: Our collective influences are often evolving and changing but some of them are Exit Order, Cerce, Stresscase, Goon, Punch, Bolt Thrower, Limp Wrist, Disrupt, Cliterati, Lebenden Toten, C.H.E.W., Dauðyflin, G.L.O.S.S., Die Kreuzen, Rites of Spring, Needles, Siege, Warthog, Los Crudos, Asocial, Aus Rotten, Misery, Destrucktions, Selfish, Framtid, Death Side, the Comes, Deef, Anti Cimex, Mob 47, Disclose, Bastard, Dystopia, Nausea, Misery, Assück, Abba and above all else CHER.
Q: Any shout outs you wanna give?
A: Shout to Stephanie for all the hard work she’s put into San Jose, house of the dead/trash house, punks with lunch, Heckdorlan, GlenxCoco, Dopemess, Grody, Nani SS, the folx who run Friends Know in Fresno, These Bastards, Deathgrave, Godstomper, Invertebrate, Discovery, Temptation 87, Aseptic, Tyson and the folx who run the colony in Sac, Biggs/xGrifox, Chris G. and the rest of Windbreaker, Cult Mind, Sissyfit, Isotope, Provoke, Priscilla from Sac, DuranxDuran, Alex/Playback Studios, Myron Fung, xDanex Photography, Violation Wound, Shit Coffins, HoneyxBear/Teachers Aids/Whngr and everyone else at KFJC, Scootch, Gabe/Zest Bay, Rupert/Aklasan records, Boomer, there are really too many to list. Thanks to everyone who we’ve encountered that is constantly working to make punk accessible to people from all walks of life. A homogenous scene is a dead scene.el crusty cristo bookings, 3 Day Holocaust, Auxillo, Sordo, Scalp, Rival Squad, Hate Preachers, Carli/No Divide. All of our Ventura/Oxnard/ San Diego friends!!