Hey what's up everyone...So when people think of North County they think of bands Like Crossed Out, Crutch and So on... A couple of years ago a new band came out name Madrugado with influences of Sordo and Despise You.. putting North Countyback on the map. Here is the interview i did with Madrugado enjoy.
State your name and what band do you play in??? My name is Jonathan and I do vocals in Madrugado. I’m Jordy and I play drums. I’m Marcus and I play bass. I’m Alex and I play guitar.
How did you guys come up with the name?
I transitioned from working part time to working shitty full time early morning jobs around the age of 19 once I realized school wasn’t for me. I’d always hear “ya para trabajar en la madrugada” I don’t know why that always stuck with me but being Mexican and all of us being Mexican working basic working class jobs. I just replaced the “A” in Madrugada with an “O” and that was how I got Madrugado. I just thought it was appropriate to describe us and also sounded cool and heavy. - Jonathan
how did you get into punk????
I used to listen to nu-metal in elementary cause my homie Fernie and his older brother Abe would always play it around me. Eventually I discovered AFI through music videos on MTV and started looking up similar artists through LimeWire and myspace. A few years later I found out about other hardcore/punk bands through skate videos and tony hawk games - Jonathan
I got into punk and power violence music after getting over hardcore bands and the hardcore scene. I think the first punk band I got into was Crime then I found Despise You and everything went downhill from there. - Jordy
I got into hardcore and metal first but seeing local bands play, they’d usually have a punk or PV band play. Of course once liking, seeing, or even hearing about a band I go through the rabbit whole of who they played with and all that. - Marcus
what is the line up???
Alex - Guitar
Marcus - Bass
Jonathan- Vocals
Jordy - Drums
how Did Madrugado start as a band??
It’s a funny story, so one night we were all partying at one of our favorite bars called Livewire for Johnny's birthday and he reaches over to me drunk as fuck and said we should start a punk band. I thought this homie was just drunk and just messing around, but the next morning he texted me saying he was really being honest and to hit up my homie marcus who plays bass. Then I hit up Alex for guitar and that’s basically it. Drunk talk turned into reality. - Jordy
Basically what Jordy said. Madrugado started out of sheer need. My idea was to just play fast and heavy as fuck music. There really isn’t too many fast hardcore bands in San Diego even though we have a history with powerviolence dating back to the 90’s with bands coming through to the Che and playing all around SD. Shout out 760 legends Crossed out. I’m a huge powerviolence fan so I wanted to bring that style back and hopefully encourage others if interested in PV, to start up their own bands . I got tired of always having to bust a mission to either LA or TJ for shows and wanted to try to get something going on over here. Once covid is over with, we
definitely want to try to book more out of town bands and work with other locals to book sick ass shows. - Jonathan
what's the influences in the band? musically: despise you, cave state, dystopia, Sordo, rudimentary peni, no comment, crossed out, infest, no tolerance, smut, sex prisoner, negative approach, sheer terror, just any band that we look up to.
overall influences: lowriders, Chicano art and culture, myspace art, oldies, nu-metal, Memphis rap, depression, nihilism, social justice, animal liberation, anti- capitalism, anti-fascist, anti-racist, anti ALL bigotry. fuck cops, fuck trump, destroy the school to prison pipeline and BLACK LIVES MATTER!
what's the best show you ever played??? That’s a tough once but we’re going to have to go with our most recent ones. Regional justice center at the Che cause it was cool playing with all fast locals and the show popped off! Lycanthro Pub in Tijuana was really fun ,it was our first time playing out there and the rec center is always a good time too.
any releases coming out???? Covid has gotten in the way of being able to write any new music but we already have some ideas for some new tracks. We just released a new tape “Chained Down” through Practiced Hatred Records and Salsa Verde Fanzine. Available on all streaming platforms too!
any shout out????? practiced hatred, salsa verde, road to ruins los Angeles, the rec center, bad works screen printing, standards record store, the Che café, ground zero, shadieboy, tourist, headstone, bobxross, all beat up, Hong Kong fuck you, chafa, blood stained concrete, violencia, depraved, terror suspect, scalp, heckdorlan, up for the underground, ExNxD, balacera, every band we’ve played with, the homies, anyone that has booked us and supported us along the way.
Tuesday, July 28, 2020
Saturday, July 25, 2020
Rabid Pigs #21

Here is an awesome band I stumble just like Sidetracked. I picked up a split from my homie Rob from Rotten to The Core, but I remember it was a Rabid Pigs/Grin and Bear It. I was listening to the songs and they were straight to the point powerviolence. with an awesome name that they got from one of the og favorite bands. Here is the interview with Rabid Pigs
state your name and what band are you in???
Gregg Harrington and I do everything in Rabid Pigs.
what is the line up in Rabid Pigs???
Currently it's just myself. The band evolved into a studio project over the last few years.
How did Rabid Pigs start???
I really had an itch to start a straight edge power violence band because both things are big passions of mine, plus it was something I rarely saw outside of Vaccine, who were a big influence on the band. Unfortunately over the tenure of the band being composed of people other than just myself, some pretty big scumbags were involved with the band so I honestly think the best stuff has come from just me recording everything.
How did you get the name Rabid Pigs???
Obviously from the classic Infest track off of No Man's Slave. Funny enough, I kind of wanted to do a reverse Pig Destroyer thing and call the band Rabid Cops but I forgot when I started making art for our demo so Rabid Pigs just stuck.
what are the influences in Rabid Pigs???
How did you get into punk????
I actually had two entry points into punk. When I was 8 years old I really got into Green Day. Dookie had just come out and they were a big gateway into some more poppy punk and ska-punk that was going on in the mid-to-late-90s. I first saw them in 1998 and Samiam was supporting them. I also got into stuff like All, The Pietasters, The Offspring, Less Than Jake and Screeching Weasel around that time. After falling into the nu metal rabbit hole for about two years, I got back into punk in 8th grade after a kid in my class with a mohawk and plaid pants gave me a bunch of burned CD's.
how did you get the split with Sidetracked????
any releases coming out????
During quarantine, I was going through some old recording files and realized I had an unfinished song from the sessions where I did all the songs from the Sidetracked split and the Spoiled Heat EP. Lyrically, it was about how the police have overstepped their boundaries and the repercussions it has on the families of victims of police brutality, which is still very relevant today. I finished it and mixed it and threw it up on our Bandcamp with basically no promotion, so if you're so inclined to check it out, I'll include a link here: https://rabidxpigs.bandcamp.com/track/overcome-with-grief
Also, while working from home from March to June, I had been working on some drum-machine-driven noisecore stuff a la 7MON, Suppression and Scab Addict but I have yet to finish any of it. I don't have access to any great recording equipment or drums at the moment but hopefully I'll be able to record some proper material soon.
any shout out you want to give??
Black lives matter. Support extreme underground music and the labels that put it out. As far as plugging other things I work on, if you're into 80s horror movies and podcasts, check out my show Neon Brainiacs and if you're into 90s grunge rock check out Pummeled. Thanks for the interview, man, this was great!
Saturday, July 18, 2020
Sidetracked/Bookburner #20
Hey how is everyone so I had an honor to interview one of the sickess band that has been around for a while... the way I found out about sidetracked is that i heard the split that they had with Gaz-66 Intrusion from Uzhgorod, Ukraine every since then I been hooked. My band Culpa does short to the point songs like sidetracked. Anyways enjoy the interview with sidetracked..
state your name and what band do you play for????
I’m Jay Tichy, from Sidetracked.
how long has sidetracked been a band??
Sidetracked has been a band for 20 years.
how did sidetracked get started?
In early 2000, I was determined to sing for a hardcore band and wrote a batch of songs and set out to find members. Influences early on were Chain of Strength, Side By Side and Capitalist Casualties.
what was the line up when you guys get started ?
There was a guy named Randy Wheeler who really helped get it off the ground by offering to drum at first. My lifelong childhood friend Kenin DeForrest was on guitar and a guy named Mitch Matthews was on bass. Our first show was December of 2000 and that lineup lasted 4 shows. Then Randy moved to guitar, Mitch moved to second vocals for a couple months before quitting/getting kicked out. I let Kenin go to focus on his own projects, and we brought in Randy’s best friend Eric Hokenson on bass. Most importantly around this time, Brian Skiffington joined on drums and he was the sole constant member for the next 17 years.
How did you guys do the transition of hxc to straight powerviolence??
The powerviolence influence was always there but it was way more subtle in the beginning and also Brian wasn’t confident enough to blast yet. I think I was still very much into having a youth crew influence up until 2002 then the majority of my songs coming out were short and chaotic and I felt more freedom with my songwriting without feeling the restrictions of verses/choruses. By the end of 2004, it really felt like we were just a full on pv band by then. I kind of “purged” my last remaining youth crew influences on the second half of the One Lane Road Ahead cd.
what's the line up at the moment??
Me on guitar and vocals, Andrew Gentz on bass, Mike Doherty on drums. Huge shoutout to Andrew who has been in the band over ten years now and has been a huge support.
How did you get the name sidetracked and bookburner????

any releases coming out???
Dweller tape (12 song, fastcore)
Contention cd (12 song, fastcore)
Convenient Amnesia cd (37 song, noisecore)
Obsolete Reality cd (19 song, grinding fastcore)
Reeking Cross split cd (26 song, versatile nightmare)
Isolation as Cult split lp (14 song, fastcore)
Caving In 3" lathe (12 song, noisy grind/hc)
Savage split 7" (10 song, fastcore)
Landfill split cd (6 song, fastcore)
Yet to Fade tape (10 song, hc punk)
how did you get into punk????
Like many kids around my age, it was hard to ignore Epitaph Records and all that in ’95. But really where I got into hardcore was the Beastie Boys especially with tracks like Heart Attack Man and Tough Guy and later on the Aglio E Olio ep. I also found out about Minor Threat from the Beastie Boys covering them on the Sabotage VHS tape. From there, I just kept digging.
what's ur influences for sidetracked???
The biggest influences are Capitalist Casualties, No Comment, Lack of Interest, Straight Ahead/NYC Mayhem, Chain of Strength, Negative Approach, Agnostic Front, Nihilist Commando, 7 Minutes of Nausea and Sissy Spacek.
how did Book burner start as a band?
I met a guy from Portland, OR named Adam Vance. He was a Sidetracked fan and hit me up to start a band in the vein of Suppression, Despise You and MITB in 2005. Eventually he moved up to Tacoma in 2006 and we started jamming with a full band.
what was the line up in book burner???

how long was it a band???
Started in late 2005 and I think we played our last show(s) in late 2011. All we recorded was the one 7” and later on a Dazzling Killmen cover that went unreleased. It was hard to decide on what to do next and any Bookburner idea I had ended up getting vacuumed up for Sidetracked. Me and Adam ended up playing together again in Exit Bag from 2012 – 2015.
before i let you go any shout out you want to give Jay
Thank you for the interview, thanks to the labels that have released stuff for us and for any listeners old and new.
Tuesday, July 7, 2020
Corrupt vision/Timexcube #19
What Can I say bout Corrupt Vision they have the unique sound with Ska and grind something different so I interview Tommy from the band and No Time Records...Enjoy this interview
So it goes state your name and what label and band do you play for???
Thomas Smith
BANDS: Corrupt Vision / The Insomniac Collective / No Motive / TIMExCUBE
LABELS: No Time Records / Cube Enterprises
Who in the band????
Corrupt Vision: - Me (Vox), Fern (Drums), Jay Jay (Guitar), Chloe (Bass), Moises (Guitar)
The Insomniac Collective: Me(Vox/Washboard) , Fern(Guitars/Vox)
No Motive: Me (Vox), Josh (Everything Else)
TIMExCUBE: (Members of CV)
How long have you guys been a band???
What are your guys influences for Corrupt vision and Timexcube????
TIMExCUBE’s biggest influences: The Gerogerigegege, John Zorn, Sun Ra
How did you get into punk????What was your 1st punk show????
My personal first punk show was for Starpool, Save The Swim Team, Stupid Flanders at the Glasshouse in Pomona.
How did the whole grind/ska blend happen for Corrupt vision??? Corrupt Vision started doing the ska-grind blend as a response to the Orange County ska scene becoming so derivative of the 3rd wave, all the bands sounding the same, all the lyrics and music being devoid of any substance and overall lacking in creativity and purpose outside of just getting drunk at a shitty bar in North County on a Friday night. Corrupt Vision dubbed our style of ska as “anti ska” and I created our “Rude boy Grind” logo, mashing up the classic 2Tone rude boy and the grindcore anti-music symbol. Our roots are in crack rock steady, we are a crack rock steady band at our core, but we want to push the boundaries of that genre because we also found that it had become too derivative of the source material. Our newest stuff mixes in elements of ska and grind, but also screamo, jazz and straight forward hardcore.
Any releases coming out????
Coming up soon is a split with DISPARO!, a split with BIMBOS and a full length is written and just needing to be recorded!
Boom shoutouts: Obviously Culpa, Big Brother, The Funeral Coffee, Bimbos, Disparo!, BADxMOUTH, Christian Lovers, Fun Abuse, Psyk Ward, High Bottom, KNOWxNOTHING and the rest of No Time Records & SiBANNÄC
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