Thursday, January 28, 2021

Malandro/Fuming #41

Whats up everyone I hope everyone good, This week I interview a bands from Sactown. Know for Capitol Park. I interview the drummer of Malandro and Fuming. Here is the interview enjoy.
State your name what bands do you play for???

-My name is Cesar and I play drums & vox in Malandro, Fuming and xCAPSULExCORPx

 How are you doing???

-Hanging in there man! Finishing school and trying to write some new stuff.

How did you get into punk??

-I grew up listening to lots of Thrash from my dad and New Wave because of my mom, but I knew I wanted something else, but I didn’t know what it was. When I was in 6th grade, my old neighbor Alex (who lived in the same street as me when I lived in Mexicali) introduced me to things like Black Flag, Youth of Today and some Charles Bronson. He introduced me to the rawness of punk that I was missing in my childhood.

How did Fuming start as a band???

-It’s a long story from my part hahaha. Fuming started back in early 2019. I moved to Sac from San Diego the summer of 2018 to go to school. The first weekend that I had in a new city, I decided to look on Facebook to find some fast music around the bay. The first thing that popped up was a show in Sac that Savage was playing. I was so stoked, but what got my attention was Juan’s old band HugoxSanchez(rip), which Juan played bass for. The tone that he had in his bass was just as noisy as Godstomper and I knew right there I wanted to make a band with him. I introduced myself that day and told him how sick his band was. We talked every show that he threw but wouldn’t say we were friends yet. By the beginning of the year, our homie Jake(Dopemess) saw me playing blast on an Instagram live that I did and he’s pretty much why Fuming started.

What's the line up???

-Fuming is in a Hiatus or broken up? I’m not sure, but the lineup consists of:

Juan: Bass & Vox

Duncan: Bass (Previously guitar and at one-point vox)

Me: Drums & Vox

How did you guys get the name from???

-I got the name from a Punch song named “Fuming” which talks about pollution. I thought it was ideal and also because of the consumption of dabs hahahahaha

what are you guys influences?

-Personally, I have too many. Some that I can think of right away are No Comply, Agents of Satan, Godstomper, Punch, Despise You, MPG, Horrible Pain, Plutocracy, Obacha, Sordo, No Comment, Crossed Out, Chalino Sanchez and many more


then you started MALANDRO??

-Malandro was a band on the works for the longest time, while playing in Fuming, that Juan and I had planned, but never really happened until now.

How did that band get started??

- The pandemic made it happen. We always wanted to do a Drum & Bass band that was fully Mexican minority and all lyrics in Spanish. We wanted to talk about our experiences that both of us have seen in Mexico like drug cartels, the classism, and corruption which I think it’s our biggest inspiration. We also wanted to write about how we both moved to the US and how similar our experience was, but different at the same time.



did you grow up listening to Paquita,Yonics?

-I sure did! My grandparents are obsessed with Paquita. How can you not be obsessed with her when she’s talking how much she despise men who have hurt her in the past. Los Yonics was definitely a band that was in repeat by my family. Same with Los Tigres del Norte since they lived a few blocks away from my house in Mexico and my mom went to school with one of the youngest ones from the band.


what's the line up???

-Juan: Bass/vox

-Me: Drums/Vox

its really dope

-Thanks man! We just do what we like and hang out hahaha.


cool was there any awesome shows you played or tour??

-Malandro has never played a show since it started during the pandemic and Fuming was supposed to tour, but the pandemic cancelled it. I have played in the same show with many fucking bands I fucking love and with homies I have made through them. I think I have played two that have stand out which are the time Fuming played a battle set against Human Obliteration at a warehouse that our homie Bob threw for his birthday. There was a mini ramp that I skated all day and missed all the bands and drank for free hahaha. The other one was the battle set between Heckdorlan and Family Vacation at Corehouse. Heckdorlan asked if I could do vocals for them that day. That shit was tight and made friends with Family Vacation which is a band I truly admire.


Any releases coming out ??

-We have a tape of the demo coming out soon and maybe some splits in the future.

Any shoutout you want to give??

-My homie Derrick(rip) who played in a band called Swine//Overthrow. I owe him my life and he’s the reason I still play drums. Hector(rip)(HugoxSanchez), Yasmeen(my partner for being supportive), El Crusty Cristo homies, Charlie and Annie, Sick Burn, The Colony, Zest Bay, West Bay Koalition, Godstomper, Haggus, Crudo, Julian(buddy), Grandpa(Morgan), Danni and Natalia, Eddie and Areli, Dopemess, Heckdorlan, Temptation 87, World Peace, Livid, Family Vacation, all the homies and the scene in Mexicali, NoxWorries, Stockton, Raymond, Fernando, Carl, Christian and everyone in HKFY, Corehouse, Bolton and Jacoby, Che Café, all the bands I have met and play with, and all the people who have supported El Crusty through the time. I’m probably missing some, but you know who you are.

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Skuff/Massgrave #40

Hey how is everyone doing? Hope everyone is safe. This week I interview LJ he plays in some cool bands. He played in Skuff when I met him and Harrison when they came to California on there Tour I was able to see them twice. Awesome Pv bands from Canada. So Support the bands right now that times are crazy. Enjoy The interview of Skuff/Massgrave

 State your name and what bands do you play for??

My names Lewis Jay, or just LJ.  I currently play with MassGrave, Bootlicker, Nutrition, and Headcheese.   

How you doing Lewis??

Great now that I’m talking with you Marco!!

How did you get into Punk?

My mom showed me The Clash when I was in the 2nd grade and the music obsession took control of itself from there on out.

How did you get Skuff started?

Skuff was formed as a side project to me and Harrisons highschool Hardcore band.  Our friend Tyler Robinson (R.I.P.) showed us Infest and it changed the game for both of us.  Tyler would jam with us as the vocalist and we would try to write the most blitzkrieg OCD sounding hardcore we could.  Tyler started missing our jams a lot and eventually missed out on our first demo session so we wrote a song called “Wheres Tyler?” last minute and ended up splitting the vocal duties between the two of us instead.  That’s essentially how we started on the 2 piece power violence path.  This was 2010/2011.

What was the best show or tour did you guys have??

Hard question.  Harrison would remember more than I would.  Off the top of my head Despise You in Vancouver was huge for me but also any Fastcore Fest (we played the first 5) and the only real tour was the States tour that we met you on Marco! So I guess by default that was the best. Our show in Oxnard was a blast but I think South Central was the best show of the tour for me.  Texas was fun too.

How did you guys get the name Skuff??

I think because we were really stoned all the time and that was a good idea?

How long were you guys a band??

I think 5 years.  I could be wrong.  

How did Skuff ended??

We played our last show at a local generator spot called the “Harsh Marsh” and that was it.  Me and Harrison have both played in numerous bands together throughout the years but wanted to focus more on our other passion projects.

then you started you label and other bands??

I started Slow Death Records in 2015 with the intention of releasing BC only Punk and Hardcore bands.  Me and Harrison both played and toured in our band GOMS from 2014-2017.  

How did you get into Massgrave???

I used to book shows in my hometown for them when I was in highschool.  I’ve known them from as long as I can remember and was always a big fan.  I did a band called FAMINE the same time as Skuff that was very much in the vein of MassGrave stylistically and they were all pretty down for us.  When their 2nd singer finally quit (long time coming supposedly) Goat (guitar) already had me as a back up plan I guess.  They gave me the call in January 2015 and I was on a bus a week later to try out.  Needless to say It worked out!

Any releases coming out in your label or for Massgrave??

Mass Grave has our split with Unholy Grave which has been out for some time now, but it’s finally getting pressed by Unrest Records and should be out in the new year.  Slow Death Records has Harrisons new Hardcore band coming out in the spring, BLOOD TIES.  Great stuff.  Check out their demo on our bandcamp.  

Any shoutout you want to give?

To all the Sordo boys and PV freaks in Cali, Yall fucking rule.  

Thanks for your time

Thanks for your interest Marco I appreciate your devotion to the cause!

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Mescaline Maniacs #39

Hey What's up everyone before we start I want to say Rest In Power to Katz of  Gorgonized Dorks. It's a shame that he pass away. R.I.P. Here is the interview a band hailing from Sactown. I intervied one of the members here is the interview of Mescaline Maniacs enjoy

State your name and what band do you play in???                                                                                                            Hey what’s up my name is Isaias, I play guitar in Mescaline Maniacs and I play live guitar for Kind Eyes. Thanks for hitting me up.

How you doing??                                                                                                                                                         I’m doing alright haha, life is pretty fucking grim with no shows as an outlet, but hopefully we’ll eventually get them back. Fuck COVID. 

How did you get into punk??                                                                                                                                                 Well I never necessarily got into punk the genre, I just really love DIY, the first grindcore show I ever went to was a Nerve Grind show at Casa de Chaos. Ever since then the idea of sweaty punk kids moshing in a small room has been my paradise. But some punk bands I do like are Negative Approach and Limp Wrist.

How did Mescaline Maniacs start as a band???                                                                                         Mescaline started in a garage with my best friends. I’d been friends with my drummer Nico since 4th grade and vocalist Nate since 10th. I’d been going to shows and been playing music for a while. We would always get drunk and start karaoking emo songs in Nate’s garage and I would usually bring guitar and amp to mess around. So eventually Nico just got a kit and we made it a band.

What was the line up???                
At first the lineup was just Nate, Nico, and me. We played like 4 shows and we thought we should probably get a bassist. Andrew went to one of our shows, liked us and asked me if we needed a bassist. Everything just sounded a lot better.

what are your guys influences ??
I’d say a combination of our influences are Beyond Pain, Nailed Down, Haggus, and Charles Bronson. 

How did Mescaline Maniacs get its name?? 
Well I’ma just say shout out to Nico’s uncle.

any cool shows you guys played??? 
Mescaline loves playing house shows more than anything. Our collective favorite would probably be when we played The Cove, which was inside Nate’s house. Nate was moving so we were able to throw a one time show there. 

Any releases coming out soon???                                                                                                       Yeah we actually got a remaster of our self-titled coming out on the legendary 625 Thrashcore next year! We’re so fucking amazed by that, stay tuned. We’re currently writing for a new release, probably a couple splits with some homies

Any shoutout you want to give?
Shoutout to Hirax Max, El Crusty Cristo, Thrash Tapes, RawDog Studio, Cesar & his middle finger, the 20916 fam, Coors Banquet, everyone who’s supported us, and to every single band we have played with. 

Thanks Isaias for you time

Friday, January 8, 2021

Con Artist/Six Brew Bantha #38

Hey What's up everyone?? Happy New Years.. Im glad that 2020 is done but the ending with the Mf Doom and some people that pass may they Rest In Paradise. Any ways here I got request from Cesear so I reach out to Bryan and he talks bout Con Artist and other bands hes been here is the interview Enjoy!    

State your name and what band do you play for??? How are you doing?? 

Bryan, guitar in Con Artist. Also guitar in Warpage, bass in Tactics, vocals in Six Brew Bantha, ex-Scum Human, Waste Away, Knivstukket and a few more. Doing good, tired from having been up for work at 5:00am but just chilling out on this rainy-ass Pacific Northwest evening.

How  did you get into punk?? 

I was honestly into metal first. In high school I was bumping bands like Tool, Opeth, Strapping Young Lad, Children of Bodom and whatever other entry level shit an angsty “alternative” teen would have stumbled across on the internet in the early 00s. I didn’t really know anyone in real life who listened to heavy music and thought I was totally underground for being into those bands. I met the other two dudes I would go on to start my other band Six Brew Bantha with in a grade 12 photography class and they were into punk, we spent the entire class talking about bands and I really have to credit them with getting me into the genre. They also had a DIY band and introduced me to the scene here in Victoria. Learning about DIY ethics, the idea that anyone can start a band, it not mattering how good you are at your instrument, discovering the beauty in punk’s stripped down, no bullshit approach (at least compared to all the bloated metal bands I was into beforehand), being inspired by the politics of punk bands and getting to attend deadly local gigs being brought to town by bands like Iskra and Leper who were active at the time was all totally life changing to me. Almost 15 years later I’m still doing this stuff.
How did con artist start as a band?? 

I’m originally from Victoria but spent a few years living in “the big city” over in Vancouver. I moved back here in 2018 and was immediately hit up by my buds Ben and Jake about doing a fast band. I had been itching to pick up where my previous powerviolence band Waste Away had left off. I wrote three songs, Ben and Jake are way better musicians than I am and learned them pretty easily, we knew Audrey through the scene in town and invited them to do vocals and here we are.
Whats the line up?? 

Audrey (vocals), Bryan (guitar), Ben (bass), Jake (drums)
What are the influences for Con artist?? 

Lack of Interest, No Comment, Crossed Out, early Napalm Death, Sidetracked, Xbrainiax... bands with short, fast, crazy songs.

 How did you guys get the name Con Artist??? 

No cool story to it, I think I stole it from a song on the Hatred Surge self-titled EP.
How did  you guys get Tommy Wilson to do your Artwork??? 

Our artwork is actually done by Paul Van Trigt, a very sick collage artist here in Victoria. His instagram p.vantrigt has tons of his work on it and is extremely tight, check it out. Tommy helped us put together the tape layouts and made the inserts for both our releases. He’s one of my oldest punk friends, our bands have played a billion shows together. He’s been helping me with my artwork related needs for ages.
  how did Six Brew start as a band?? 

As I mentioned before, I met Tyler and Mark in a high school photography class. They had been best friends since they were kids and had pretty much learned to play music together. SBB started out as just the two of them and was initially a lot more influenced by bands like Orchid, Jerome’s Dream and all that other OG “skramz” kinda shit, which we were all getting really into alongside grind and powerviolence. Some recordings of this era do exist, but none are available online. I joined a little while after my and Tyler’s other grind/PV band Cyborg Justice stopped, I was usually hanging around while they were jamming anyway and I had a drivers license and access to a vehicle, which I think was the main thing that got me in initially.

What was the line up when you started and when the band ended?? 

It was originally just Tyler and Mark, I joined and then our friend Jeff briefly joined on bass but left after flaking on our first tour in 2009. He was in it long enough to play on our demo from 2009, although we recorded it ourselves and you can't really hear him. Ever since then it’s just been the same three of us. The band hasn’t ended but we’re taking a break due to Tyler moving to Sweden for a year and Mark being busy studying classical composition at University because he's actually good at music.

I miss the show you guys played out here in Oxnard which I was bumped out... 

Fuck man that was such a cool show, you definitely missed out. Generator shows like that are so much fun and it was so deadly to play with Sordo, Happy Pill Trauma and everyone else on that bill. I feel like I remember the cops showing up and somebody convincing them to let the show go on by saying “these guys drove all the way from Canada!” There are some photos from that gig I always smile when I see. Shoutout to Eddy from Sordo for setting that up, he's an awesome dude.
How long were you guys a band??? 

2008-Present, although the last few years haven’t been as active
then Scum Human... How did that band start???  
what was the line up?? 
I know Tommy was in it.  

Tommy was roommates with my girlfriend at the time in Vancouver. We were both not really jamming with anyone and itching to get a band going, so one day he texted me while I was at work saying “come over when you’re done, we’re starting a PV band”, set up his drum kit in the basement of their house and the two of us cranked out some insanely generic Crossed Out ripoff tracks. Jordan (vocals) lived in the same neighbourhood as us and we knew he didn’t have any bands on the go, he’s an awesome dude and I loved his vocals and stage presence in his old band Subsist so we invited him over under the guise of “trying out for this half-assed Crossed Out clone we just started" or something to that extent, he liked it and would go on to become the one consistent member besides Tommy. Looking back I would definitely say his vocals were the best part of the band. Connor (bass) was one of the few other people we knew in Vancouver at the time who was into fast shit, he was doing a band called Sickener with our homie Collin from Obacha/Shooting Spree/etc. and we knew he could play, none of us had ever done a project with him so we asked him to hop on and he accepted. This was the lineup that recorded our 2015 demo which ended up on a split 7'' with Concussive, I wrote a pretty good chunk of those songs and still to this day think it's a pretty sick recording. I don't think Tommy or I were in great places in our lives at the time, we ended up having conflict and I quit the band within less than 6 months of it starting, the first of several lineup changes it would go through. Eventually, well after I had left, Jake (the drummer of Con Artist) ended up also being in it and Tommy moved to guitar, that version with our friend Shawn playing bass was the lineup that toured the West Coast and played One Fest. Tommy and I obviously ended up resolving our beef and are still friends to this day, Scum Human officially called it quits when Jordan started developing tinnitus and couldn't really play or attend shows without making his already super fucked up hearing even worse (wear earplugs, kids).
How did you get the split with Depraved??? 

Tommy is in touch with those dudes, he has a pretty tight connection to the SoCal scene, I think if it weren't for the border and how fucked the U.S. is politically he would have probably moved there by now. I wasn't in the band anymore by the time that split happened but Depraved rips and it's a sick release.
I missed that show at One fest.. 

So did I, lol. I've seen some videos from it and it looked sick!
How did you get the name for the bands??? 

SBB was named pretty arbitrarily, I wasn't in the band yet but I think it was some kind of a compromise between two band names the others were kicking around. We had no idea the band would end up being such a huge part of our lives and have spent our entire existence as a project shaking our heads at ourselves whenever people ask what our stupid-ass name means. Scum Human was named in the classic way of naming hardcore bands in the 21st century: we stole it from the title of a No Comment song.
do you guys have any releases??? 

A demo from last year which we still have tape copies of and a new EP called Subservient coming out on tape through To Live a Lie Records
Any Shoutout you want to give??? 
Props to everyone keeping the DIY scene alive through this weird, fucked up time.