What's up everyone??? This week we have a cool interview and a treat... I interview Justin form No Comply, ANSOJUAN. He talks about his bands and how he's into Deejaying.. Also Happy belated birthday to him and he is going through some things I will leave the go fund link on the bottom. Here is the interview enjoy.
State your name and what band do you play in?
Yo, what's up Tone?! I hope you're doing good. So.. let's do this.
Today is Thursday, May 6th, 2021 & my name is Justin Abare & I play (Bass, Theramin, Turntables, other Noise devices) in the Florida based, Drum & Bass band, NO COMPLY.
I'm chilling, preparing to record for a split 7". We've finished everything for the No Comply - East Coast Powerviolence DISCOGRAPHY (1997-2014) 12"inch + CS Tape, & that's at the plant & Test Pressings should be arriving any day now, Tapes, too. We've also got a split 7" w/ Sidetracked that is basically done, both bands have recorded & they're both mixed n mastered, also we've got the artwork done, we just need to tighten up some things & that'll be out by Summer, or later. The NxC/THEY LIVE split is what we're going to record for next. And there's a ANSOJUAN mini-Discography being released, too! Mad things going on.
All things aside, my health is in a pretty harsh state now, this has been going on almost 11 months now, and it's steadily getting worse.
But I've been keeping my head up, mental state solid and grounded. All by doing projects w/ my son, my friends, mostly as of late, working on those #5 different music projects for NO COMPLY & ANSOJUAN.
As for NxC releases, there's gonna be #2, possibly #3 for 2021 & the 4th for 2022 & the ANSOJUAN release will be 2021. Along w/ those releases, I've also been doing a lot of selling, buying, trading, giving away & receiving pkgs. Everything from vinyl, cds, tapes, dvds & merch of my own extra copies of No Comply, Ansojuan & A Product of Six Cents stuff from 1993 through 2015. Most of all, I've been meeting lot's of awesome new friends. so... with rad new bands I've met & new friends I've made plus, working on those music projects (all of this stuff) has been hella therapeutic for me. Haha
I got into punk through Skateboarding, Friends, and just having a wide open mind for any music, liking specific songs from Skate videos that I'd get. And circa '89 through '92, I watched Skate videos, but loved the punk stuff I heard in it, I started noticing the music was just as gratifying to hear as the Skate tricks were to watch.
I didn't know what I was hearing, but I knew I liked it. & through friends like Mike Henley who was a fellow Skater & big fan of Cryptic Slaughter & Born Against, so I was quickly a fan of both bands. he had a mini ramp & other friends & Punks & Skaters like Travis Ginn of AssholeParade who Skated there. T. Ginn has taught me damn near 50% of what I learned back then about punk / HxC.
While Skating the ramp inbetween runs on the ramp, Travis or Mike would tell me what band was playing on the boombox, and they'd tell me about labels, like Justin... "this is the Bllleeeaaarrrggghhh 7" compilation on Slap A Ham Records" you should get this record if you can find it. That's when I started to look for Slap A Ham records, bcuz every release from SAH just slapped.
Travis Johnson (of Ansojuan, AssholeParade, Buttons & Outliers) helped me out w/ picking out 7"s & 12"s when I was 1st starting my vinyl collection, or getting records, he'd tell me what bands he'd already established as good, but going by band to band was hit or miss, he was the one that guided me to other labels that had equally sick music. Everyone played a part in the way my Skateboarding evolved into Punk. Because Punk is Skateboarding, & Skateboarding is Punk.
But learning about new labels & bands, and I'm speaking on when I was just super young & just hyped on Skating & realizing that the music I was beginning to love, had a direct correlation with each other. They connected perfectly, but it was a grandiose puzzle to piece together.
Back at the house where the mini-ramp was, it was around 5pm & I'll never forget... A postal worker coming up & handing Mike a pkg from the Pushead Fan Club, & the postal worker jokingly said here's your package of Pus.. Head? Haha. So, 5 mins later, I immediately asked Travis G. what that pkg was & i asked how I could get one. He explained I'd have to get on their mailing list. He stopped & said, oh.. Actually you'll have to join the PUSHEAD Fan Club to get those rare pre-releases in fan club only colors & special pkging & he went on about how he'd release amazing Septic Death Rec's & other sick bands & they were Ltd to just Fan Club members. And bcuz I'd just heard Septic Death & other Pusmort releases, so I was sold & w/in that month I was a member of the Pushead Fan Club & I have some crazy rare releases that were released just for the Fan Club members. That's how it started for me. That's how I got my 1st taste of what true blue HxC Fast Thrash just Punk af, ya heard?
How did Ansojuan start as a band?
ANSOJUAN started w/ Me on Bass/2nd Vox [Justin Abare] &... on Drums/Cymbals [Joe Shernoe]. We were in #2 other bands "prior" to Ansojuan.
So, our band before Ansojuan was called 5th3rd5th (but it was spelled like) PhifThirdPhifth. The thing is, me & Joe had descent songs written for PhifThirdPfifth yet we had 2 of our older friends who liked HxC Punk etc. Yet, we slowly realized you can love HxC & you can join a band, but if you are going to progress, and just simply play.. You'll need to play & practice together.
Annnd... They weren't really into practicing & when we played shows or just impromptu gigs, it showed! So other active bands in St. Augustine & Gainesville Florida noticed this, too. Travis Johnson said, I've got a Guitar & an old amp, & I'm down to play, start up a band? We got together & it was going good & found out that he was inbetween cars so we (1st) Joe & I were known as the TRIBES. The proverbial Ansojuan practice Taxi
So, we obvi quit the band 5th3rd5th, I implied that above. and said let's do this right and we'll just have a 3 piece. Travis was so what we needed, I finally had someone to bounce ideas off of & vice-versa. We actually drove & picked up Travis for band practice. It was super rad. We ended up playing our songs we knew, & he learned those & got em down perfectly. After that, our next song was gonna be our 1st & that's when we really bonded as friends, and that was because we started writing our songs with direction, intent, for a reason, because we loved it so much. We decided to get our 1st Demo tape done, we opted to go to a studio to do it. So, we did, and our 1st Demo tape was really good. A lot of ANSOJUAN Tapes were sold & traded to other Distros
The line-up for ANSOJUAN was Travis Johnson (Guitar/Vox) // (Myself) Justin Abare (Bass/2nd Vox) // Joe Shernoe (Drums/Cymbals) // Allen Fulkerson (Hi end Vox, occasionally).
Travis moved on to playing Bass for AssholeParade.
Joe & I started No Comply.
Allen just chilled & stayed a fan but didn't really like performing.
We started No Comply by having Travis Johnson (w/ only good vibes for him) had to stop playing in Ansojuan because he was moving to Gainesville, FL. which is 1.5 hr's away from our town, St. Augustine, FL. So Travis was moving there to live with his Girlfriend & also to play Bass for AssholeParade. Because their 1st Bassist Chris Campisi couldn't keep playing for AssholeParade & Travis saw a perfect fit.
He was already good friends (as Joe & I were, too) w/ everyone in the OG AssholeParade line-up. Travis started playing for them but had to keep coming back to St. Augustine where Joe & I lived & where we were still playing, but they were just the Drum & Baselines for Ansojuan songs. It was like we were waiting for another Travis to come along & play Guitar & sing main Vox again.
So Joe & I kept playing, but now my set up was a louder Crate Bass Cab + Head, using a new Big Muff OG pedal, not the reissue, & got a new Ibanez, too. So Joe got some new cymbals, a new snare head & other shit for Drums I still haven't learned yet. But we were at my parents house as they were about to sell it & we were talking about our band while skating in my house in my empty hallway. Joe said "do you like what we're playing, bcuz we'd learned #3 new Powerviolence/Fastcore type songs & they were tighter than usual. I told Joe I loved what we were playing. & that's when he said, did you want to keep playing like this, no Guitar, no Singer, just me & you playing & I'd do the Vox & play Bass & Joe also got a new double bass pedal for his set, too. So he'd keep playing Drums / Cymbals .. But Joe asked me something while we were there. He said, what should we call ourselves. So I skated down the hall & back. Joe started skating down the hall & tried a kickflip & fell. The next trick he tried was a no comply shuv it. I didn't know he had those. & I said dope no comply to front side shuvit & he (again) said, so what's the name? We both stopped & I said what do you think of that, no comply? It's saying we're Skaters, double meaning, like.. We don't comply with society shit & ppl trying to stop us from Skating or doing Shows, it was NO COM PLY! We literally thought our idea for a name like that was ingenious. & it was, It caught on quick & we didn't have to do that much changing ... & it follows our simple motto, So I started putting these new riffs in an approach to Metal, Grind, PV, Fastcore, Thrash, etc. We just kept exploring & playing. & while in my parents house that day, that was the day NO COMPLY was solidified & made 100%.
The lineup was originally from 96' to Joe Shernoe (Drums/Cymbals) // me Justin Abare (Bass/Noise/Screams) // Martin Britton (Guitar/Growls)
How did Will join the band?
Will joined organically from him releasing a NxC release before we'd even met in 2005 going into 2006. Which was the 4 Bands To Drain Your Pool 4 way split 12". We started working on getting my A Product of Six Cents II CD Comp going & he started giving me bands to use & he was helping me so much I asked if he'd be down to co-release
the Comp w/ me. So we did that, then he & 625 Thrash, released the XBRAINIAX split in 2006 summer. After that, Will & I met at the THIS IS FOR YOU FEST in 2007/08, that's when The BACKSLIDER / NO COMPLY - split 7" popped up & I was gonna release it by myself & I started working w/ a guy named Ian, he did Drum Machine tracked out stuff, like ANb style, and since that was so far from NxC's normal sound, I asked him if he'd be down to learn some songs & have him do some vocals & some noise. He did, and it came out rad sounding, so... That ended up being the Backslider / No Comply split Tape, then split 7, the 7 fell thru & I released it as 1 sided & Will co-released that, too. So Will would do these amazing noise tracks & just not release them. Seriously, like a full LP worth of Noise, he'd have it & just send me all of it & say use this part here & this part for this intro. So he started to really put his footprint into the band, more so than anyone else who asked me to join. So by Will just being his awesome self, I saw he was riding with me on NxC & we didn't say it was like "official" until we were doing a Split w/ Bastard Noise & Suppression, and Will was taking everything super serious, recording & writing his own pieces at this point. So it solidified itself, Will was & had been a member of NxC since 2008.
What is the current lineup?
Justin Abare // Will Butler // & (alternating) on Drums is Pat Forrest & Andres Wade
How did Ansojuan & No Comply get the name?
Ansojuan got the name from phonetically goofing around with AND SO ON... And we went from AND SO ON & ETC, to AND SO ON... But it was literally horrible for fliers like, these bands playing and so on... So we thought of spelling it like AN SO JUAN. So that was just super young, goofing around, but it worked.
As for No Comply, I explained this already above, but after Ansojuan disbanded, my Drummer Joe & I were Skating & talking about our band, mind you, doing this in my parents completely empty house they were selling. As we were Skating, he did a front side No Comply & we talked about the trick, the solid state of it, so old school, yet still such a rad trick when done right. We started thinking No Comply would be a sick HxC band name, we were Skaters, we were in our renegade mode of anti-authority & what not. But saying it now, No Comply, we didn't comply with our music, all the bands in town sounded like Rancid, Bad Religion, epitaph records surf punk stuff. So we wanted heads to know, we Skate & don't like the lame shit, again young but still in a direct shot of what we wanted our band to stand for & sound like.
How did A Product of Six Cents get started?
I honestly started A Product of Six Cents because of 625 Productions aka 625 Thrash. I was doing my comp A Product of Six Cents 7" (9 band comp) & I had Spazz on it & through my correspondence w/ Max & others on the Comp. I always noticed Max's stuff the most, because it had 625 written on it, fliers, letters, just everything & it was not only eye catching, but it was just a rad idea. At that time, Travis J. from AssholeParade & myself were also putting together a VHS comp tape & it was something (again) we were doing & distributing & I started having ppl writing it, or addressing it to my house. Packages for A Product of Six Cents c/o Justin of No Comply. Shit like that. So I started releasing lil things like the Ansojuan demo tapes, the NoComply demo tapes, I made #50 APOSC shirts. It was just rad!
What was the best Tour or show you have played with either band?
There's so many, but one stands out for NxC & it might not be our best, def could've used more crowd going nutty, but it was av small venue & so.. that had to have been a show in August of 1997, the lineup was:
No Comply, Assholeparade, Palatka, Pisspoor, Short Hate Temper & COMBATWOUNDEDVETERAN & it started off small and by band after band, it got darker, more crowded, more rowdy, by the time AssholeParade played things were breaking, furniture, guitar & bass strings & even someone's cabinet. But that'd be up top.
Any future projects your doing at the moment?
Yes, we're doing:
1. NxC - "East Coast Powerviolence" DISCOGRAPHY (1996-2014) - 12"inch + CS TAPE
[on: 625 & To Live A Lie]
2. NxC/THEY LIVE "To the Max" - split 5"inch
[on: 625 & To Live A Lie]
3. NxC / SIDETRACKED - split 7"inch
[on: To Live A Lie]
4. ANSOJUAN - "Southeast HxC" DISCOGRAPHY (1994-1996) 7"inch + CS Tape
Any shoutout you want to give?
You, TONE.. & Culpa for getting brutal & for interviewing me & the both of us sending each other shirts, vinyl, tapes, thumb drives, posters, patches, stickers, we treated each other with some rad stuff!
Also Wanna shout out to...
Will Butler / TO LIVE A LIE,
Max Ward / 625 THRASH,
Eric & Blake Ellman of THEY LIVE + HEALER / Jay Tichy of SIDETRACKED
Travis Ginn of ASSHOLEPARADE /
Mike Vinatieri of CAPITALIST CASUALTIES / Pat Forrest of BLACK GAFF + NxC /
Andres Wade & Travis Johnson & many more. I have so many more, but I've written more in this interview than I've ever written. Haha. I'm long winded.
What Bands influenced you ?
The usual bands you'd expect:
Crossed Out, Charred Remains, Hellnation, Neanderthal, Stikky, Cyclops, Infest, PHC, Man is the Bastard, Spazz, Capitalist Casualties, Suppression, Assück, Dystopia, No Comment, The Locust, Charles Bronson, Cryptic Slaughter, Septic Death, Stumpy, Born Against, Copout, Peter Mangalore, Lack of Interest, Slave State, Avulsion, Short Hate Temper, Exhumed, AssholeParade, Despise You, Noothgrush, Gasp, Apartment 213, They Live, and I'll leave it there. That's a perfect band to leave it on. (I know I'm forgetting a few, but that'll have to do).
Thanks for your time Justin..
Thanks Tone, it's been a babbling pleasure my brother, peace.