Sunday, February 6, 2022

Livid #63

What's up everyone, the discography for Culpa should be out soon it going to be called Strawberryfield Violence 2017-2021and the Carousel of Death 4 way split (featuring Culpa, Augrah, Chainxwolf and Hateoffering) pretty excited about that tapes. This week I interview Jacob from the all mighty Livid sick band live and had the honor to play with them. If you haven't check them out check them out. Here is the interview enjoy.

State your name what bands do you play for 

Jacob Michaud

I play in Livid, Die and Tomorrow Will be Worse

Tour has been fucking insane. A couple sleepers but hey it happens. We've been seeing alot of ride or dies for us this tour, and homies we haven't seen since covid, which has been very fucking rad. I'm doing pretty damn good.

I grew up listening to primarily grunge, nu-metal, and thrash thanks to my parents. All of which, I still love today. But the thrash shit is probably what got me more into the "I want to play fast shit" attitude. Bands like Sepultura eventually led me to bands like Dead Kennedy's. And then down the line I discovered this whole "underground" extreme music scene that has been my jam ever since.

Livid started out on a whim, I booked a house show for my first two bands at the time, and Jake (my band mate) rolled out. We hung a bit and talked about how we both loved powerviolence and grindy hardcore and how noone around us was about it. It originally was going to be me on guitar and doing vocals, and
Other Jake on bass. But we could find any drummers so I said fuck it; I'll do it. And the rest is history haha.

Jacob Michaud (myself) on drums/vocals
Jacob Smith on guitar/vocals
I do most of them, if it matters haha.

It started as us wanting a full band, but then with it being so difficult finding members. It's especially hard to find ones that could tour and are straightedge. We've considered trying a three piece, but who knows. We'll see. 

We wanted something very straightforward. Straight to the point. Something that described our music and sound right up front. I think Livid sums it up well.

Man this tour has been bananas. I would say the best show so far was Denton. A ton of hardcore peeps rolled out from Dallas, all the bands fucking destroyed, and the pit was insane. The whole Halloween weekend though was bad ass. We're extremely excited to see how the rest of the tour goes.

Livid has some stuff in the works, and so does our punk band Die. Just keep your eyes peeled, and ears to the ground.

Shout outs:
Scalp, World Peace, Mutilatred, Spy, Pains, Imperial Slaughter, Bad Ideals Demention, The Tooth, Meth., Caustic, and Snuffed. Lots more homies but there's some off the top of my head, everyone else you know who you are!

Thank you homie!!

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