to tell me the history how the band Final Draft came to be up to no good....
How did Final Draft Start as a band???
It started out with Jose and I. Once FD had played about 2 shows as a 2-piece, Jose met Luis via Geocities. I guess Geocities at the time was some sort of social platform that would allow users to visit profiles and check out content and what-not. And so these dudes started talking and Jose was super-stoked that this kid (Luis) was going to Inglewood High School and knew Oreo (Apathetic Youth- guitarist) and was into Powerviolence and Thrash so he set up a meet. Our “meet” would actually be our first jam as a 3-piece. I then switched to bass and had Luis take on guitar – maybe cause that’s how it was meant to be or because I just sucked at guitar..idk haha. We had our first show as FD a few weeks after that – 2003.
How did you guys get the name Final Draft???
FD was founded by me during class back in High School – junior year of 2003. Not sure what period/class subject I was in but I do recall writing lyrics to what would later become “Road Kill”. We had a substitute teacher in that day, like every other day it seemed, and this sub wanted us to study for an essay. Most of the class still had their backpacks on by the time class was done. So that whole period was a big joke – hence a Final Draft essay.
How did you guys meet??? Kind goes with the 1st question...
I first met Jose during my sophomore year at Morningside High School. We had some class together and we’d have these laugh attacks that were caused by the most dumbest shit ever – almost as if we were forced to meet through laughs. The dude had a good vibe so we hit it off and later introduced him to bands like Spazz, Hellnation, In Control, Apathetic Youth, Monster Zero.. to name a few. He didn’t really adapt too quickly since Deftones played year-round for him. I thought that was dope too. Luis was later introduced to me by Jose (see first question).
How did you guys get the split with Apathetic Youth together???
I believe Luis set that one up, but might’ve been Jose – not sure. I know AY had listened to our self-titled EP and grew interest in FD so I think that helped pave the way for that split to happen. 2 bands from Inglewood – think that about sums up the motive.
I would say that was a sick split.... what would you say are Final Draft Influences???
Thanks, Marco. It’s still a dope split. As far as influences – collectively: Spazz – Deftones – Iron Lung – Despise You – Crudos – Korn.. idk man. We each had our own style that would grow throughout the years. We knew Powerviolence was our shit and would dive right in regardless of the outcome.
What was the line up while you guys were a band???
Jose 2003-2014
Luis 2003-2016
George 2003-2016
Jaime (I Abhor drummer) 2014-2016
How long were you guys a band??
Jose, Luis and I were all in FD pretty much from 2003 up until 2014 when Jose left the band right after playing Grindcore LA. I took some time off in between those years due to personal shit but was later active up until FD broke up in 2016. Luis had introduced me to Jaime who would later be our drummer for a few years. We recorded the Fissure split with Jaime.
Is there any project from you???
I’m currently hiding in plain sight without any involvements. I have a few projects in mind with my long-time homie, Orion (Apathetic Youth), as well as Jaime (ex-FD drummer) but none are solid as I’m more focused on my family and career.
Is there anything you want to add or give any shout out to??
Absolutely. Shout out to Luis and Jose for attempting to restart FD – can’t say it doesn’t flatter me each time they play/played as FD without me. FD is dead and is dead without me. But real talk, proud to have been part of something I helped create. Many great memories with them dudes. As well as with Jaime. It’s always great to see the homie rip in HARM and ABSURDITY. Last but not least, shout out to the Powerviolence scene and everyone who gave a shit about FD.
Thank you for your time George.
Thank you, Marco.
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